All things Anne Wondra

coach writer muse cat mom

February is heart healthy month, a month to focus on love, laughter, and healthy hearts, the stuff that brings you joy and is physically healthy for your heart—and for the rest of you too.

What do you love?  And are you doing what you love each day? 

Who do you love?  Are you spending enough time with who you love?  Are you surrounding yourself with the people, pets, and things you love, things that bring you joy?

I hope you are because the heart emits powerful healing energy. (  Tap it, use it, and savor it; that feeling warm and good and connected—and know it’s good for you.

Next try laughter. There’s nothing like a good hearty belly laugh to lighten the heart and mood.  And again, it’s good for you. 

Who makes you laugh?  What movies, people, pets make you laugh?  What books, videos, CDs, or DVDs do you pull out and play when you need to lighten up and change focus?  Who can you always count on to tickle your giggle button?   If you don’t have a humor library and people around you who make you laugh, start collecting—both for the FUN of it and for your personal well being.   For more information, type, laugh yourself healthy in an internet search engine and start reading.

And finally, lighten up.  Don’t take yourself or the world too seriously.  The only moment you have is now.  Breathe.  Be here, now.  Gently release anything or anyone that no longer adds to or supports your health and happiness.  Practice respectful distancing, self-care, and healthy boundaries.  Moving forward, make lifestyle choices with love, laughter, joy, and your healthy heart well being in mind.  Lighten up and attract more joy and abundance.  Healthy heart energy is a magnet; it attracts….love, laughter, light, and joy.  Enjoy.

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