All things Anne Wondra

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KindredSpiritCenter domain name is available for its next story. Ours is complete.

For seventeen years, it was a privilege and blessing (and adventure) for me to hold a space for, and encourage entrepreneurial holistic wellness women with callings and creations. Most of us over tha years were also in other careers, holding jobs that provided financial support, stability, while another, insistent part of us was calling and pulling us to lean into our soul and heart and follow where Life was leading us. I was one of those. We were trail-makers because our callings and experiences compelled us to learn more, create something different, listen to our intuition. KSC closed almost a year ago. I moved, and others moved also–into higher realms, for two of them. (It was quite a shock.)

Now all that’s left is tha KindredSpiritCenter domain name, ready for someone else to make their own.

For holistic wellness women who were once part of tha Kindred Spirit Center, your name is included on the About | Our Story page ‘legacy list’ of gifted wellness women, holistic practitioners, coaches, writers, wise women, intuitives, teachers, business women who’ve worked out of here. (Please print yourself a copy while this page is still here.) is ready for its next life. My part is to pass it on with ease and grace and blessing. – Anne

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