All things Anne Wondra

coach writer muse cat mom

I work with 3 rules and ask 3 self-commitments of my students.  One is that we read something that makes us feel good every day.   Why?
Because our human spirit needs daily reminders and reassurance of our light.
Pick what you’re drawn to.
There are uplifting writers and resources everywhere.  If you’re not sure where to start, here are three starters I’m inspired by:

Messages from Your Inner Pilot Light
Sign up and a spirit-lifting, reassuring note from your Inner Pilot Light arrives in your email each morning.  Simple, and such perfect timing.


These are daily Law of Attraction messages from the 21st century inspiration known as the “Teachings of Abraham.”  I am convinced that divine inspiration is still flowing through human beings of this world, in this time, and place.
These are life and thought- expanding messages.  Sign up to receive them each morning in your inbox.  And if you prefer listening, YouTube is a treasure trove of Abraham-Hicks videos, meditations, uplifting light.  Enjoy this one for your morning.

Bella Grace Magazine

This one’s a purchased subscription investment or a quarterly trip to a local bookstore.  No ads, all stories and photos and life-lifting writing prompts.  Spring edition is in my book bag, and I tend to keep previous editions.  Beauty, art, words…spirit feeding.  1GRA-1802-Bella-Grace-Issue-15-300x300

We believe: An ordinary life can be extraordinary, there is beauty in IMPERFECTION, and that magic can be found in the everyday.  –

Wherever you are drawn to find daily feel-good, spirit-lifting messages and inspiration, trust it will be perfect for you.  You might even find yourself collecting quotes and wisdom

I’m a muse.  I’ve always appreciated the arts, nature, beauty, and surrounding myself with it.  Somewhere I started writing… First, it was collecting ‘life wisdom’ … words that uplifted me, helped me figure out how life worked, who I was; words that held wisdom that applied across religions and skin colors and inspired me to be a better person.   – Anne Wondra, Artist Statement

Be inspired.  BE YOU and shine your light.  Enjoy the daily magic, and play with it.
Love always – Anne

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