Every single one of us is traveling our own, very-specific, perfect-for-us life path.
Even identical twins take separate and different life-experience paths and become individuals, who are readily identifiable by those who know them. They may have started as identical in tha womb; our human nature and calling, however, is to grow and evolve, to be shaped and influenced by experiences–those life brings us and experiences we seek out.
We quest after knowledge. We want to know more; we thirst and seek answers that make sense, that fit our experiences.
Some are old souls, wise ones, sages, teachers, and still evolving. Along tha way, we find these; and we learn that we’re all Souls having a human experience–because it’s in this bodily form that we profoundly experience the physicality of living, breathing, creating, choosing–and ultimately GROWING our eternal Soul and expand our awareness of who we are, that we are divine beings.
The Soul’s job is to wake itself up. God’s job is to wake everyone else up.
Journey CD, Jerry Brunskill, Conversations With God
Comfort-Shaking Awakening
Our Roars of Awakening — about who we are and our work here — come in layers. At certain points of no return, clarity, unbearable pressure, and transition–like our birth into human experience–of our SELF as we knew her before, must become a next version of Our Self.
When you can’t go forward and you can’t go backward and you can’t stay where you are without killing off what is deep and vital in yourself, you are on the edge of creation.
Sue Monk Kidd
Personal Soul-Path Consciousness
Once life has been shaken and broken by such a point of no return, our Soul-Path is a personal quest, led from within, to somehow fit all those pieces together in a way that makes sense, inspires, strengthens, and recharges us.
I know a bit about this and can assist, as one of those old souls along the way.
Blessings and much love. – Anne Wondra