My class for this week’s Wellness Wednesday is Self-care Holidays Harmony. … getting ready for this one and bigger ones ahead.
Holidays have traditions and expectations attached to them; including family, people, and places, events and activities, preparations and aftermath.
And chances are there have been changes between last year and this year… maybe you’ve changed too. You want to belong, to fit in. .. and yet, some things can’t be the way they were anymore.
Families can be complicated. Loved ones pass on. It doesn’t matter the age; it’s still an empty place full of memories you know will be there.
Religion, beliefs, traditions and spiritual practices may have evolved, and now differ from your family of origin’s. Mine have; Nature’s way is to grow and change. We want to belong and fit in, and we can’t do it the way we used to.
Meals and food being a vegetarian get interesting too. I’ve had years of practice creatively and deliciously navigating this one.
Wednesday we’ll play with including our own inner harmony and self-care in celebrating those holidays; ways that align who we are and the circumstances of now, with the expectations of happy holidays.
See you Wednesday. – Anne