The trouble with email is that it leaves so much to the interpretation of the receiver…without benefit of dialog.
In dialog, there are voice inflections and stories that go with the message; an exchange of ideas, thoughts, and co-creating. One can hear a smile and playfulness in someone’s voice.
And those soft, relational pieces make a HUGE difference!… brought home recently, painfully, when those were missing. Feelings and friendships wounded, stupid misunderstandings …
The air has been cleared; tears have been shed; emotions have been felt and acknowledged –and moving forward, changes are being made. One of them for me is that I’m taking myself off email during my evenings.
If communication needs to be made during those hours, phone and Skype are delightfully good interactive dialog tools. And I want to do more of that!
… which dovetails into another ‘life experience’ ah-ha over the weekend: I loved sharing those Explore 1 Thought to Inspire Your Life Today sessions on Saturday! I was busy all day with them and felt so in my element! There were many magical moments–cards that flipped over, thoughts and words that came through, unplanned co-creative sharings and kindred spirit connectings–reminding me again that I don’t do this work alone.
There were other divine, perfectly timed pragmatic dialogs this week too. I’m paying attention. More of us need these dialogs together…because lots of shifting, emotion-scattering, release-and-change transformations are happening to a all of us! And mine is a calming energy.
The Evening Muse
If you’re new this, I’m opening some evenings, between 6 and 9 pm, for phone or Skype dialogs. You can find a coupon on my Facebook page. (Be sure to ‘Like’ it while you’re there. – Thanks!)
For now, these spirit-soothing dialogs are $10. Schedule one soon….
Here’s to my own shiftings and spirit-honorings and growing; and to some soothing, cup-of-tea-relaxing, interactive live-dialog exchange-evenings. (15-minute phone appointments get scheduled here.) PS My husband says to call these ‘The Evening Muse!’
So there, now you have it! Your Evening Muse awaits! – Anne 🙂

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Introducing your Evening Muse…