Wonder Woman, Athena, Diana, Isis, Hecate, Liberty, Justice, Grace; Justice League…
Reclaim your personal power of Presence;
Sacred sovereignty of your Body;
Full Authority of your Heart, Soul, Wisdom, and Womanhood;
Divinity and sanctity of Life-Making… of co-creating, gestating, birthing, and nurturing;
Callings of your Life’s Holy Orders; compelling passions, causes, insistent interests, connecting coincidences; ultimate expressions of your Soul to take form here and activate.
Everything up to this moment is relevant. We are ready.
Study goddesses and superheroines*
What personal powers of theirs are you drawing into yourself?
These are ancient, timeless, archetypes that are ours by design.
Energy is never destroyed; it only changes form.
Play dress-up, like you did as a girl, or maybe with your daughters or grand-daughters. Dress up now with intention; to call forward your inner Great Presence, majestic, magical, whimsical, wise woman, goddess, heroine archetype image of yourself.
Ugly Duckling image was common to many of us once; now, though, we’re grown… And ugly is not anything close to defining who or what we are! Time has revealed our true nature; and we’ve attracted more like us. Swans–huge, beautiful, majestic; storied out of old images into our true roles.
* Goddesses, superheroines; Women of Presence, Power, Grace, Sovereignty, Strength, Wisdom, Compassion, Direction, Distinction. You have full power and authority to choose, name, anoint, qualify any women you deem, as goddesses and superheroines.
Call Her forward. How will you dress to represent her? You are Her costume designer. What will you surround yourself with to feel Her Presence and step into Her energy? Music, drums, a mask, an amulet, golden bracelets? Who will be your witnesses? Encouragers? Priestesses? Subjects? You are being called as a goddess today.
We get to own how our Story is expressed.
This October … Halloween
This Halloween–all Hallows Eve–a couple short weeks away, use this fun, festive, magical, costume-centered occasion to delightfully dress up and embody a goddess or superheroine’s energy and imagery. You’re calling Her forth into greater intentional Presence, from this day forward… She already lives in you, and is so ready and needed and willing to play more boldly…
Enjoy! – Anne

Magazine feast yesterday… Of all bounty before me, what came home was this Essential Guide to Wonder Woman, the World’s Greatest Heroine.

Everyone needs a hero to be more of a heroine herself.
A heroine–someone like ourselves, who’s both good and powerful, and who inspires us to be more like her…
Wonder Woman is someone I’ve been called for a long time. … Wonder Woman Everyday Goddess.