All things Anne Wondra

coach writer muse cat mom

Life coaches are known to say:

All your answers are inside of you; I don’t give you the answers.  I help you find your own.

Truthfully,  I have said that.  When it comes to learning, we learn differently, and in layered depths of understanding.
We do have answers hidden inside of us–and we find them in many ways–some easier and quicker than others.
They come to us through experiences, relationships, interactive dialogs with people, places we travel, reading, and even in dreams.  And there are teachers, travel guides, tools, and maps that help, too.
When someone asks us for directions or insight, though, there’s this fine line we dance as facilitators of learning.
One approach goes something like this:

Oh, that answer you’re looking for, it’s in that haystack of yours somewhere.  I know where it is likely to be, and what challenges you’re likely to have with it.  And I have just the right tools to make it so much easier for you to find and access and put to use.  Because I grew up on a farm and I know a lot about haystacks.  Not specifically your haystack, but definitely have haystack experience.
Only, I’m not going to tell you that because you have find that answer you’re looking for on your own and experience the learning process.  ….

And why would one invest in someone who told you that?  Seriously!  It feels so unkind and frustrating … or maybe that’s just me.  Here’s how I’d respond now:

Oh, that answer you’re looking for, it’s in that haystack of yours.  I know where it is likely to be, and what challenges you’re likely to have with it.  And I have just the tools to make it so much easier for you to find and access and put to use.  Because I grew up on a farm and I know a lot about haystacks.  Not specifically your haystack, but definitely have haystack experience.
So let’s clarify what you’re asking –what your real interest or question is–and I will tell you what I know so far.  You may not believe me–and then I will introduce you to the tools that make it much easier to find things in haystacks for yourself.

If you’re like me, you want the answers, and then you want to know the rest of the story…maybe.  I read the end of a novel before I read the middle sometimes.  I know about energy and what kind I want to live in and what inspires and empowers that in me.  I already know that for me

Life’s too short to drink bad coffee or hang around those who drain my energy.

So I’ve become more direct as a teacher and more pragmatically powerfully encouraging as a facilitator of learning.  Your answers are important; and I want you to OWN YOUR answers, to own your Life.
Ultimately, it’s those haystack tools that will be lasting–because you’ll discover that they work with any haystack Life brings you!  And THAT is incredibly Spirit-FREEING and empowering.
I AM a farmer’s daughter; and my haystack is religion and spiritual universal laws.  Mother Nature, Spirit of Life and Love,  didn’t care that the church of my childhood said I couldn’t follow that spiritual calling because I was born a girl… She laughed and led me on path populated with cute guys to get my attention and precise perfect playgrounds to learn and grow in.  I am many things, mostly just me, a heart and soul here to help others looking for answers in that haystack I know and love.
Sense of Humor.  Play.  It’s how we leaned from little on.
Read Relationship Rules of a Happy Woman.  It’s short, written with a sense of humor, full of haystack insights that will work with any haystack life brings you, and gives you a pretty good idea of whether you want more.
Explore, Expand, Self-esteem.  Self-discovery is a sacred path; so is self-love.  I know that haystack also.   It’s connected to the other.  I offer uncensored personalized private classes  if you’re interested.  PDF detail view  spring-class-schedule
Hire Me as Your Muse.  Creative outlets–writing, art, craft-making–are ways of channeling energy, feeding our spirit.  Like air we breathe and blood in our veins, soft stuff, incredibly important to living, and often not valued. Feeding, fueling, and freeing  feminine spirits is fun for me.  It pulls Life through me–and through others too.  Wonderfully magically exhilarating fun, together…because we co-create and inspire one another togethermy spirit fuel.   Easiest way and best value vehicle to Hire Me as Your Muse is a women-and-words, life-traveling goddess community membership.
Dip a Toe in First.  We’ve been conditioned to worry about, fear, and distrust anything connected to investing our money.  There’s so often hidden qualifiers one needs to have to get an advertised deal.  That bothers this soul… and it’s on my plate to do something constructive and soul-honoring about it to help… because I know that women and money, value and self-worth are intimately spiritually connected.  Money is our teacher, a sacred  soul-connected dance partner.  More to come.  For NOW, back to those who prefer to dip a toe in first, here’s my prosperity portal, so you can dip in where it feels best to you.
As another great woman once said to me:

Where do you want to go?  And how can I help?

I’m asking the same of you, passing it on–because  I know that haystack.
Much love, joy, and blessing as you expand and grow. – Anne
Sue at the farm 10062016

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