Why are the vast majority of adults in this country bored, lonely, and afraid?
Because they don’t know who they are….
You must recognize in yourself an individual, someone who’s very distinct from the others. Find the fine thing that you are. Only then will you be liberated.
Walt Witman
There are gigantic things to be done–health care to be reformed, education to be improved. Most everything could be made more beautiful. … Our only job on this great big planet is to find our vitality, to discover what makes us want to jump on the table and dance….
Creating something gives you a voice.
Pam Grout, Art & Soul, Reloaded
I’ve spent more time with books and reading my Kindle this year. It’s much more soothing to my soul, body, and energy than most things offered in media outlets.
Trust me, what I feed my brain is as important and influential to my health, happiness, and sense of peace and possibilities, as food I eat to nourish my body and support it’s incredibly designed health systems.
Reading life-stimulating material is one thing we have easy access to. You’ll have your own collection. Here are some recent reads in mine:
Art & Soul, Reloaded by Pam Grout. You want to play with your own muse, and set aside everything you’ve ever thought or been told about your not being creative or artistic or talented or whatever, and spend some time with this one. Your imagination might get some ideas and it could be interesting. Certainly, your muse will be entertained and enjoy.
Medical Medium by Anthony William. A book by Christiane Northrup, M.D., led me to Anthony William’s Medical Medium and Life-Changing Foods. With time to read and a strong preference to stay healthy and take care of mind, body, and spirit as naturally as possible (i.e. Let food be thy medicine. -Hippocrates), this one has a lot to offer. I skip around, only reading parts I’m interested in; no sense overwhelming circuits with stuff that doesn’t apply or resonate. It’s a reference kind of book or medical text–good when you’re studying for info; overwhelming and head-spinning otherwise. We don’t read a dictionary cover-to-cover; books like this, either.
The Vortex by Esther Hicks and daily quotes from Abraham-Hicks.com. How energy works to create our well-being and word, and reminders of how to shift thoughts to feel more optimistic, in the flow of and exhilarated by life’s river. I love images and stories and reassurances that there’s only a river of well-being flowing, and that our emotions can be shifted by our thoughts to get us back into feeling better. Spirit, science, faith, inspiration, encouragement, uplift.
Romance novels. A bit of fiction is always fun. From holiday Hallmark movies to romance novels, I’m into sappy love songs and romance and a bit of mystery. Getting lost in stories, traveling, enjoying characters, and being entertained; and appreciating writers and their inspiration and research. Funny thing, sometimes I learn stuff in fiction, as I do in nonfiction. Mostly though, it’s enjoying a good read.
Back to where I started, about so many being lonely and afraid and not knowing who they are, there is so much inspiration and light in this world. Find one thing–a book, a video, a quote, a voice, a piece of art or music–and start there. You don’t have to be in this alone. There are lifelines everywhere. I’m one of them, and so many others. That first step is always yours, though. What are you drawn to? Go for it. Take a step, then take another one.
Happy reading! Enjoy being exactly yourself… – Anne
PS You got this; and I’m a Zoom video chat away to tap a pure positive creativity muse. It took a long time to get to be me.