All things Anne Wondra

coach writer muse cat mom

Make fun of death. We are as dead as it gets, and we are fully aware of this joyous experience. We are with you every time you allow it. We are in every singing bird and in every joyful child. We are part of every delicious pulsing in your environment. We are not dead, and neither will you ever be! You will just get up, one day, and get out of the movie.

Liturgically, It’s a pretty-heavy next couple of days.  And if you have experienced a death of someone close, there’s a lot of emotion and reflecting on deep, soulful things …about life–ours and theirs–and death, and all those old, learned beliefs we hold about both.
I can tell you personally, it’s one heck of an inner journey and soulful time…and it will change you…how you live today, which beliefs stay and still resonate, and what doesn’t matter so much anymore.
Maybe you’ll also find yourself noticing more ‘interesting’ appearances of brilliantly beautiful skies, rainbow patches and flashes… everywhere (a young man asked for this one; a few minutes later it bridged the road in front of us…), feathers, butterflies, birds, or a sudden welling-up of emotion for ‘no reason.’  Those are all I’m okay, happy, and still here for you! messages. cropped-2013-07-26-17-28-25.jpg
Our welling-up of emotion is their connecting to our heart.  (You can ask them to stop, and they will….or you can allow and be with them, talk to them, and appreciate their presence–even if it brings a few tears…)  Tears are healing and cleansing and a way we release some of our stuff that’s flowing through.
Allow, appreciate, talk things out, walk, run, write, whatever your spirit needs.  Ask for peace.  Find your peace.  Art, music, movies, angels, intuitives, mediums, healing-heart messengers and light workers.
Our soul is here for a purpose in physical form; and then ‘graduates’ to non-physical projects….with different kinds of magical abilities, including invisibility and being in multiple places at the same time.
Ghost – a  classic on the afterlife (and yummy eye candy too):

Sixth Sense – I see dead people

Cheryl Ladd with John Edward
John Edward – Oprah segment

Sara Joy – my Laura messenger
Audio from Radio reading
And then there’s my favorite Fun Movie for this time of year! 
Does any woman not like Chocolat?! … and added eye candy of Johnny Depp, ambiance of music, and classic lines–and exit–of Judy Dench…on her own terms…  Love this film. Saturday night date movie …glass of wine, chocolate, and my own handsome music man.

Art and Angel Portraits by Lori.Anne angel3
Reading and roses and maybe play with a Hereafter with a sense of humor and a spa of serenity.
Have a beautiful and blessed day and week!  Much love always. – Anne

3 thoughts on “Movies we live in!

  1. Reblogged this on everyday goddess community and commented:

    Hello goddesses!
    In traditions many of us came from, it’s a heavy focus on death this week, and this respectfully lightens things up a bit. We are evolving in our understandings, and still feeling with our hearts. Blessing and light. – Anne

  2. Wonderful … and very true, article my dear! As I mentioned in a recent blog post …
    “Personally, I have long held the belief that Hollywood is filled with Lightworkers. The ‘stars’ if you will, that truly are here to transformationally change this planet. To awaken us all to the things we can’t ‘see.’ To invoke within us feelings we have long suppressed and forgotten. To remind us to be a kinder, gentler, more loving creature as we navigate our way through this tumultuous time on planet earth.”
    xoxo Lori

  3. Excellent article Anne ~ and ever so true. As I wrote in my recent blog post … Personally, I have long held the belief that Hollywood is filled with Lightworkers. The “stars” if you will that truly are here to transformationally change this planet. To awaken us all to the things we can’t “see.” To invoke within us feelings we have long suppressed and forgotten. To remind us to be a kinder, gentler, more loving creature as we navigate our way through this tumultuous time on planet earth.

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