She asked; I said yes…because it sounded like Fun. And following FUN things that make my HEART SING is my motivation these days. .. Ah, the Muse. Which means YOU get a Free Relationship Rules Workshop out of it!
Unity Church in Milwaukee is holding their annual Wellness Expo this weekend, June 10-12. I will be part of it Friday night (5-9 pm) and Saturday, and will be doing my Relationship Rules of a Happy Woman workshop at 1 pm. There’s no charge for the workshop. (There is a $5 admission to the Wellness Fair, though, for the church.) Hope you can make it!
Last year I was part of this wellness fair, and this year was invited back. I like the energy and the people I met. It’s an open and affirming sacred space place…lots of light and good energy. Peaceful, and quality time with participants, too.
Have a great week. Hope to see you this weekend. – Anne 🙂
PS If you can’t make it, I do Relationship Rules workshops elsewhere and privately too.
PS2 NEXT MONDAY, Summer Beach Group starts … Water Women and Words, using Big Magic as our backdrop inspiration. I LOVE THESE! You can still register. – feeling happy! 🙂