Hello Blog world,
I’m laughing because the Universe has a sense of humor. It got me again. Ask and It is Given…and it is. Words are powerful magic.
I know about playing the Prosperity Game, the Secret movie, and the power of positive affirmations and intentions. IT’S ALL IN THE WORDING. And in the FEELING. We get what we ask for…and the Universe has a sense of humor. So we get exactly what we ask for.
One of my affirmation intensions has been: Money comes easily and frequently.
And guess what? It DOES. This month, I found myself facing piles of money, handed over easily and willingly by the contributors. It was awesome! The Catch: None of it was mine to keep. I got exactly what I’d asked for.
In my corporate role, I’m a United Way campaign co-chair. We did a fabulous job fund-raising for the cause this year. It felt really good gathering all that money. And those who shared felt good about giving it. That’s the way it should be giving. And I’m proud to be part of that process.
So why is it so much easier to promote someone else’s cause? And see people flock to willingly share monetary resources in exchange?
There is no shortage of money in the world.
Do we not perceive at least equal value in our own work?
Maybe we have a difficult time creating the right packaging?
Or is there some kind of blocking code in us when it comes to spending money?
I can identify with all three. How about you?
There is no one else in the world I would rather be. I love what I’ve done and who I’ve become. I know that who I am and what I offer the world is important and valuable. (Does the world know it though? And value it?)
I also know I am still expanding my comfort level about having money, lots of it! Words like greed, selfishness, and saving are part of my own blocking code. Most Midwesterners of German-European heritage face the challenge of even imaging abundant, easy, frequent cash flow into their checking account. Focus on lack only gets us more of the same. Focus on prosperity and abundance, however, also works that way….even when it goes to someone else instead.
So I’m playing with my abundance imagining a little more these days. Giving my brain a FUN workout. You can play too. And as of today, I’m revising that intentional affirmation to: Money comes easily, abundantly, and frequently into my checking accounts.
To gratitude, success, abundance, and happiness for all of us.
There is plenty for all of us. And it comes EASY and naturally! – Anne 🙂