Prophets, great teachers, among us
There are prophets, great teachers, modern-day scripture scholars, among us, who are shining a bright light into to the dark corners of Christianity's…
coach writer muse cat mom
There are prophets, great teachers, modern-day scripture scholars, among us, who are shining a bright light into to the dark corners of Christianity's…
Life wisdom from Maria Shriver: I’ve learned it’s OK to change. Sometimes it’s not just OK, but mandatory. You can let go of…
I was gifted with a most wonderful book on Chakras, and opened it this morning to these Affirmations for the Root Chakra: I…
Today's reflection from The Grandmother of Time December 31 - Hecate's Day (Roman) Hecate is the third, elder of the triple goddess Maiden-Mother-Crone,…
I am married to a most wonderful man who has a natural ability to make people laugh, when he writes and when he…
"As artists, we are often in the ugly-duckling position. We have been born into families that regard us as "odd--and we come to…
Author Rachel Simmons at Alverno College Research Center for Women and Girls grand opening, April 8, 2010. Notes. Change Strategy #1 Take psychological…
Every once in a while, one gets to meet a living legend they've long admired and appreciated. One of those times was this…