So this … is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?
Elizabeth Gilbert quoting Jack Gilbert in Big Magic
Courage to bring forth treasures hidden inside requires being our quirky selves… without apologizing. It’s allowing ourselves to follow instincts, travel where life takes us, love and grow who we are; and create an interesting, satisfying life … in a world that likes to compare, critique, and dull-down real Joy, golden laughter, worth, and wonder-filled brilliance.
I’ve been inspired by books, writings of others who’ve taken and are traveling this kind of path themselves. That tells me it’s possible and I’m not alone in this creating, writing, life-traveling, spirit-listening thing. All of these have inspired me:
Daring to Be Yourself by Alexandra Stoddard. Perhaps one that’s influenced me most decoratively and domestically. Ms. Stoddard is an interior decorator who applies those creative principles to our personal interior workings… with style, grace, elegance; and daring is certainly another word for courage. I was drawn in and delighted.
Living Big by Pam Grout. Originally published in 2001, just a WonderSpirit was coming into being, encouraged and confirmed by resonating words found in this book:
When you find your passion, the last thing you need is permission. And if there’s not an organization doing what you feel led to do, you create your own.
Pam Grout, Living Big
Creating a Life Worth Living by Carol Lloyd. Another very early-days one, with many practical, creative career and living practicalities ideas. Since then, many more have been written. You’ll find what draws YOU in. Also, inspired learning is a life-long playground; I’m still adding books. Good chance, you will too.
Walking in THIS World by Julia Cameron. Julia also wrote The Artist’s Way and The Artist’s Way at Work, and The Right to Write…to name a few. Worthwhile reads that uplift, inspire, and go deep, spirit-whispering into living a creative life.
a creative living Lake-view resort inviting
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Creative living beyond fear… a connecting to our courageous selves and a powerful spirit of creating that lives and flows in our being. Meet me for a lake-view resort experience… connecting, inspiring, supporting, creating ones like ourselves. I’ve partnered with a place dreams are made of, including mine. I know for certain how much Big Magic works all around us. Play in it, delight in it, trust it, soak it in … dare to live creatively, inspired, sure of your self worth and surfacing treasures.