All things Anne Wondra

coach writer muse cat mom


Angel Card for today

Archangel Raphael fell when I asked for one to share with you: Archangel Raphael I am helping you heal physical challenges in yourself…


An ah-ha moment

    Returning to roots ...only different; opening beyond;  bridges ... natural and universal laws, and energy, spirit and soul, intuition, flow ...


A sacred time of year

(Reprinted from WonderSpirit Life Wisdom Newsletter, Fall 1999.) Personal Passages There are events, changes and passages that occur in every life, which are…


Personal alignment

Once you are able to achieve and consistently maintain your personal alignment, a great deal of money will flow into your experience (if…


Beach conversations

Synchronicity, when unrelated, somehow connected, things happen in succession.   It means, take notice.  I do. Got back to my desk after spending…