All things Anne Wondra

coach writer muse cat mom

What if you sensed your time here was up sooner rather than later?  That it might be a good time to get some things you’ve been putting off, in order.
This isn’t a death wish or a planned event I speak of, but a more persistent awareness– and a nudge or two or three–in precise ways that get your attention–that each day is more important.
I’ve heard two of those stories recently.
Soul sister Kathy had a close friend die unexpectedly.  Looking back at conversations weeks before, there were hints he had a sense he wouldn’t be here long physically.  He also reassured that he would be helping her however he could from the other side.
Comments one brushes aside at the time. In hindsight now, they eerily fit.  And yes, he’s let her know he’s around; and words are coming through writing, dreams, and special messengers….

Our working together and relationships don’t necessarily end at death.

I’m not the first who’s brought this thought and these experiences forward.  Most of us have at least one story, experience, with an angel in their afterlife … In my world and work, it’s a given and a blessing.

We always think our timeline is unlimited.  We know, of course, that someday we’ll be ‘checking out’ of here, out of this human adventure.  Just not now or today.
The second story surprised me during routine website updates.  This muse always plays a little with decorating whatever she’s working on…. That day was no different.  I was playing with my free forms page and the Thomas Leonard link.
Thomas was a brilliant, creative light, known to much of the world as the founder and grandfather of the coaching profession that’s common today.  Coachville, CoachU, and the International Coaching Federation exist because of his pragmatic spirit.  Somehow, he too must have sensed his lifetime would be condensed.   He left a powerful and empowering legacy of resources and training for evolving and growing our human potential.  Several of my free forms are samples of his pragmatic brilliance.
The unexpected story I found was that of his last day … written by Susan, a close friend, and a woman I met and learned from at my very first Coachville Training Conference, just three months after Thomas’ last day.  No one saw that coming.  Everything we learned that week held extra importance…  Susan’s Musing from the Edge was one of those that comes only after time, and a precious gift really to all of us who breathe and live this pragmatic kind of work we do.  Spiritual that’s living and breath-connected, and beyond.

The third prompt for this little reflection is a physical pain that showed up in the center of my chest, most likely a virus, or maybe a big cuddly kitty stretched out on top of me a little too long one day.   I also know that sometimes physical matters are divine ways of getting us to pay attention.
Nothing serious; a nudge, a reminder though in light of the previous two stories, that there’s a list of my own that needs attention instead of putting off:

Final Wishes and Preferences

  • Living  Will
  • Exit preferences
  • Final resting place
  • Stuff-gifting, distributing

I’ve got some thoughts and actually bought a book to help organize such things.

Writing and Life Wisdom from the WonderSpirit Collection

  • My book title dropped in last week.  I’ve got somebody helping me on the other side too–maybe, hopefully, several soul sister goddesses.


There are other women traveling this path also.  Maybe it’s time to host a Leave-A-Legacy or Final-Wishes Writers Group–so we can all share and support each other in our Sliding into Home stuff we put off.


  • What does this life need closure on?… from my side, to free anything (energy) I’m holding that needs to go back where it belongs.
  • Ceremony, burning barrel again; release and thank all that’s over, and breathe in peace.  Loud clapping to clear the energy for the next act.

Life’s too short to drink bad coffee and hang around people who drain our energy. (Anne Wondra)

I go for the JOY now.  Who ignites and charges up my energy.  Yes, that’s where I play and who I play with.
I am called as a goddess to walk this earth as a radiant beautiful light; leading a playful joyful dance I said YES to a long time ago.  I’m a way-shower of the Wonder-and-Awe and make-it-easier-and-much-more-fun way!

Living Now

I think there are still assignments I signed up for.  And others I’m here to create, connect, and play with for the good of all.  Soul School is still in session…
Some places and ways I’m playing these days: check my calendar
and if a Sliding-into-Home kind of group or project interests you, let me know.  What’s on your play list yet?  I’m feeling it’s time to write (and right) some …
Enjoy your day! – Anne
PS  Maybe a goddess does what a well-preserved body sliding into home.  just saying…. preferences … allowed to shift … this life is a personal playground … a divine dance …

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