Angels in their Afterlife
... Afterlife beliefs are shaped early ... Sometimes, though, our early beliefs are not comforting, congruent, or helpful when facing our own mortality,…
coach writer muse cat mom
... Afterlife beliefs are shaped early ... Sometimes, though, our early beliefs are not comforting, congruent, or helpful when facing our own mortality,…
We gather more this time of year; formal and informal. In groups and settings that are a diverse mix: from family and friends,…
Notes from a week: Spiritually open - What I become when my religion's box is not big enough anymore. We all have to…
Grow our greatness; a greater You; a happier healthier planet, life; feel engaged in a more joyful, free, loved sense of self and…
It's a good idea to sort through your beliefs now and then and throw out the ones that don't serve you. (The Afterlife…
When a farmer or gardener plants seeds--sweet corn for example--their crop grows. They expect and get a crop of sweet corn. When you…
YOU ... when it comes to your life, your body, your spirit, your life purpose, your work. We are born with a highly…
Make fun of death. We are as dead as it gets, and we are fully aware of this joyous experience. We are with…
We marry and join our life to another with much ceremony. And down the road, when that marriage is done, ceremony is probably…